
Everyone agrees that snow-white teeth are beautiful, and it should come as no surprise that people have been trying to whiten their teeth not only for the last half century, but for ages.
- Home System “Opalescence”
- Office System “KLOX”

Many people have had negative experiences with dentists as children and, as adults, are afraid to seek treatment for their teeth.
- composite restorations
- nanocomposites
- cofferdam

Prosthetics (Dentures) can help restore a beautiful smile to people who, for whatever reason, have lost some, or even all of their teeth.
- zirconia
- cermet
- ceramic veneers and tabs

Everyone would like to retain their original teeth, and those who can are especially fortunate.
- System “Nobel Biocare” (Replace select)

Cosmetic dentistry refers to the various methods used for correcting overbite or underbite, and for whitening, alignment and repositioning teeth that have not grown out of position.
- removable and functional products
- aesthetic and samoligiruyuschie
- braces

The doctor’s verdict that a tooth must be removed might frighten some patients because everyone wants to keep their own beautiful teeth as long as possible.
- sinus lift
- removal of any complexity

Endodontitis [Pulpitis] is a severe form of decay affecting the nerves and blood vessels deep down in the very heart of the tooth.
- Ni-Ti systems
- Thermafil

Professional Hygiene
All good dental clinics take an integrated approach to treating and preventing diseases that affect the teeth and mouth.
- AirFlow
- curettage